SOLEMNIZATION :: naziah & khalili::

hyeee.. Malaysianzzzz, semalam my first album just arrived. insyaallah esok album tue akan dihantar to my customer.. alahaii beratnya hati nk bg...takpe2 kite end pasal tu and btw i akan upload my 'PRODUCT' just around the corner so wait and see... for my next post.Utk post kali nie i nk upload gambar akad nikah for this couple.. and sekali lagi i bukan OP utk wedding ni n wedding nie sbnrnya saye gunakan utk panaskan enjin kamera saya yg mana dah cuti selama sebulan masa time RAMADHAN and this event was held after RAMADHAN that is on 3rd of SYAWAL. Majlis berlansung di Teluk Intan, Perak.

hope u all enjoy this post... and feel free to comment which part i have to improve 'sharing is caring'

end of story and insyaallah more and more pictures will be upload wait and see ya!!!
nyte Malaysianszzzzzzzzz...:)


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